This region is rich with ideas, entrepreneurs and raw ingredients. It's ideal for a growing food innovation community
The Broadland Food Innovation Centre project is a focused public-private-research partnership which champions the food and drink economy in Norfolk and Suffolk.
It backs the ambition of SMEs and entrepreneurs with a food innovation centre, innovation support and an innovation cluster which links organisations seeking opportunities, access and connections to markets, funding and investment.
Perfect for a growing food business, debating its next move.
Broadland Food Innovation Centre - Expect to grow and thrive
The Broadland Food Innovation Centre for food and drink SMEs and start-ups is offering the optimum environment for innovation and growth, combining bespoke facilities, specialist support, cluster membership and a community of like-minded businesses on the Food Enterprise Park near Norwich. Led by partner Broadland District Council.
Innovation Support - Expect bespoke expertise
The experienced business growth team is providing bespoke advice and guidance for food and drink start-ups and SMEs which includes access to specialist consultants. Led by partner Hethel Innovation.
Innovation Cluster - Expect to meet people who will make a difference
This emerging cluster in Norfolk and Suffolk is linking organisations interested in the commercial benefits of food innovation and the future of food. If your organisation is engaged with the food supply chain, the cluster is welcoming members focused on building resilience through innovation. Led by the University of East Anglia.
The project has received up to £5.7 m of funding from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund.
This project is supported by New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership, which has contributed £4.14m - £2.7m from the HM Government Getting Building Fund and £1.44m from the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Growing Places Fund. The balance of funds come from Broadland District Council, the University of East Anglia and Hethel Innovation.
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