Apr 17
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Email Magic for Foodies: A Workshop on Marketing Goodness

17th April, 2024

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Do you want to start using email marketing to reach potential customers for your food and drink product, but don’t know where to begin?

Are you already running email marketing campains but failing to get the results you expected?

Have you become overwhelmed by trying to follow online advice that’s complicated and time-consuming?

You’ll learn everything you need to prepare your email marketing campaigns for success during our comprehensive masterclass partnered with Smart Messenger from 101. This workshop will be directed towards those within the food and drink industry, and is for food and drink manufacturers within Norfolk and Suffolk.

This interactive, practical workshop will cover every step in the email marketing process – from composing emails that will capture attention to Data Protection and to how to measure success.

Discover how to engage your recipients, ways to boost your ‘open’ rate, and what you need to do to get potential customers to take action.

Please take advantage of having one-to-one access to our expert trainer. You can ask any burning questions; clarify things you are unsure of and send over a previous campaign (in advance) for review during the session.

Email Marketing and your legal obligations

GDPR & The UK Data Protection Act 2018 changed how we all handle data. We will cover grounds for processing and help you ensure that you have selected the right approach.

Don’t fall foul of the new Data Protection legislation by learning how to handle data responsibly. We’ll cover the rules for processing and help you identify the right approach to take.

Planning your email campaigns

Develop a strategic approach to your email marketing by identifying the target audience, the campaign objectives and measurements for success. There’s a myriad of questions you need to ask yourself before devising your campaign. You’ll leave the session with a checklist that’ll ensure you don’t miss anything important.

Get your audience to open your email

Four factors influence a recipient’s decision as to whether to open your email or not. We’ll talk through these and how to achieve ‘open rate’ success, so that your carefully crafted campaign doesn’t fall at the first hurdle.

Get your audience to take action

Here we’ll look at the most crucial part of the email campaign – getting your recipients to take action. This section includes several take-away tips that help you encourage the reader to ‘buy now’, ‘book now’ or ‘learn more’. These practical suggestions won’t take you long to implement, but they can make a significant impact on your results.

Mobile-friendly emails

Research shows that over 70% of people view their emails on their mobile device, so you can’t afford to send campaigns that aren’t responsive. You’ll learn how to make your emails look great on mobile and make it easy for your recipients to fulfil your call to action.

Evaluate your performance

Email Marketing is the most cost-effective, measurable form of marketing there is. You’ll get a guide on how to delve into the analytics available to gain critical insights to inform your future campaigns. This data will be invaluable as you test different approaches to connect with your audience.

Campaign review

If you are already running campaigns, send one over in advance and we will review it within the session. Not only will you get feedback from us, but the room too. This is an extremely useful part of the course and gives you some real-life feedback to work with.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is aimed at food and drink businesses. If your business identifies as the above and you would like to work on your email marketing strategy, please book a limited ticket.